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Business Hours -- Shops are generally open Monday through Saturday from 8am to 5pm. Activity centers and markets are open daily 6am to 6pm; many close only when the last traveller leaves.


Electricity -- Electricity in southern Africa runs on 220/230V, 50Hz AC, and sockets in Zimbabwe and Zambia take flat-pinned plugs. Bring an adapter/voltage converter; note that some bush camps have no electricity.


Embassies & Consulates -- All offices are in the capital cities of Harare (Zimbabwe) and Lusaka (Zambia); if you have diplomatic problems, speak to your hotel manager and ask him to contact your country's local representative.


Language -- English is spoken in the tourist regions of Zimbabwe and Zambia.


Time Zone -- Both Zimbabwe and Zambia are 5 hours ahead of GMT and 7 hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time.


Wildlife -- Keep your eye out for elephants and hippos when you're out walking, cycling, or canoeing. Do not block their routes -- it's best not to turn around, but back away slowly. When driving on highways that are part of national parkland, never speed, and keep a watchful eye out for animals emerging from the bush to cross the road. Baboons are a nuisance on both sides of the falls. Keep food out of sight and remember that -- like all wild animals -- they are unpredictable and potentially dangerous.


General Information:

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